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Our workshops...

"We can teach everyone everything we know, without losing anything, that is... sharing!"


the workshops  of the kokedama technique, arose from the curiosity of our customers and the need to be able to share this ancestral technique, so that the beauty of this art can go further.

It's a sensory experience
  with  sharing knowledge and happiness of those who participate.
We offer direct contact with the land and nature, providing a creative process.

The act/process of creation provides all of us with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction and it is this feeling that we want to convey in our workshops, that is, enabling the creation of kokedama by the participants, it is incumbent on them to feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. that we want you to carry into your everyday life, giving you the confidence to reach new goals.

Another aspect of our workshops is trying to somehow alienate through conviviality and good mood and a serene, calm and relaxing environment, thus trying to abstract all participants from their day-to-day stress. The ultimate goal is for everyone around them to leave with a smile on their face and to sow that happiness for those around them. 

We take all the material necessary for the development of the workshop and each participant keeps their kokedama at the end. If you are interested in holding a Fio workshop in your space, contact us at

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